What is the purpose of a panic alarm?
When you’re away from your home or business, your security system helps take care of any lingering concerns you may have. You have motion detectors to notify you when someone enters your property. Window and door sensors will ensure that alarms are set off if entry points are opened while armed. And for everything else, your security cameras can capture footage of any intruders, giving you a viable piece of evidence to forward to police and insurance companies. Additional products, like glass break detectors provide excellent ways to keep your home protected and secured while you’re not there.
But what if something goes wrong when you are there?
Many of us have seen robberies in films and on TV, and some have even witnessed them happen in real life. If you’re in your home and somebody is breaking in, it may be difficult to call the police yourself without giving away your location and putting yourself in danger. Additionally, in a business that works publicly, such as a jewelry store or convenience store, the standard options for security systems will be of no use, and calling the authorities may be impossible if you are placed under duress by the robber. The panic alarm exists for these exact situations. At the push of a button, law enforcement will be silently notified of danger at your location and will be dispatched immediately to come help you.
How does a panic alarm work?
In simplest terms, a panic alarm is a button connected to a communications system. When the button is pressed, it will set off the panic alarm, connect to the communications system and alert the proper authorities. This may be the basics, but there are many different styles of panic alarms, making how you go about using it differ between styles.
As one of the two major components of the panic alarm, the button serves an instrumental purpose. Unlike most devices in a security system, the button has to be manually pushed and will never be activated automatically. Panic buttons are designed in order to prevent false alarms, making it a bit less simple than just pushing a button. Styles include multi-push buttons, squeeze buttons, pattern buttons, and code buttons. Code buttons allow you to activate your panic alarm, with certain patterns contacting different authorities. One pattern may contact the police while others may contact an ambulance or the fire department.
The other component of a panic alarm is the communication system. This piece of the alarm is the part which will contact the authorities when activated. With the push of the button, the communications system will send a notification to your police station, or other requested contact. If used alongside a siren, the communication system is also the way the button will sound the sirens.
Siren panic alarms are effective when you want your panic alarm to scare off any intruders or to inform the occupants of the building at large of any danger. A siren is an excellent addition to panic alarms when you may need some outside help, or warding off someone who has broken in. Silent panic alarms are the opposite – they allow you to be subtle when calling for help, without informing a criminal that you’ve contacted the authorities. This is especially useful in tense situations such as robberies in stores, allowing employees to contact the police without putting themselves in danger.
How to properly place your panic button during install
When installing, be sure to think about where to keep your panic buttons. Panic button placement is crucial to having an effective panic alarm. Keeping them in a place that’s difficult to get to is no help, but keeping them in the open can cause intruders to potentially find ways to destroy them before they can be used. When placing a panic button, you’ll want to keep it somewhere safe, hidden, but memorable. Hidden in your bedroom or a frequently used desk are among some of the best places to place them. Make sure other occupants are aware of where these panic buttons are placed in case they need to use them too. In a stores, consider placing them beneath the main counter and in the back office, so employees and management alike can activate the panic alarm safely.
Why you should include a panic alarm in your security system
Panic alarms are helpful for any security system. We like to feel safe, especially at home and at our places of work. While the automated functions of our security systems allow us to feel secure when we’re out of the house, there’s only so much these systems can do when you’re in your home or workplace. A panic alarm is exactly what security system users need when danger makes itself present in their home while they’re home.
Panic alarms are not only convenient, but they can save lives. There are times where dialing 911 can’t be done, or can’t be done safely. When an assailant is before you and has you under duress, dialing for emergency services can often be impossible. When you hear somebody in your home, making your voice heard could alert an intruder to your location. Situations like these are when you’ll be happy you have a panic alarm installed, as you know the authorities will be only the push of a button away.
Panic alarms work. When you’re in danger, there can’t be too much room for mistakes. Having a panic button gives you peace of mind that if something were to happen, you can have help on the way in no time at all. Ensure you keep your panic button in a safe place that you’re able to get to easily in the event of an emergency. Panic alarms are a great addition to any security system, an addition that the professionals at Cunningham Security will be more than happy to walk you through in order to best apply one to your own system.