Do Doorbell Cameras Really Deter Crime?
Smart doorbells have become increasingly popular thanks to their relatively low prices and ease of installation. These cameras allow home owners to keep a look at their front door, whether they’re in or out of the house, and can even [...]
Wintertime Dangers and How to Secure Your Home
With winter well upon us, as we enjoy the beautiful snow and the crisp air and the happy holidays, it’s important to remember many of the dangers we’ll be facing throughout the season. The cold weather can present dangers both [...]
Why You Need a Water Leak Detector
A little water never hurt anyone, right? We’ve all spilled a glass of water on the kitchen floor and hastily mopped it up with a fistful of paper towels. But a little water can hurt a home, according to the [...]
Honeywell Security Manufacturer Overview
Honeywell is a large technology company that has many specialties, from aerospace to health care. An industry giant in the world of home and commercial security, Honeywell offers a variety of home security devices to help protect your home. But [...]
Smart Home Security Tips for the Internet of Things
The increasing popularity of devices such as Google Home Assistant, Amazon Alexa, and Apple’s Siri has brought a lot of ease to the modern consumer. These “smart speakers” are no longer just an easy way to ask a computer a [...]